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Keeping The Costs Of Cooling The Home Down

Summer is progressing steadily and the heat is rising. As such, many of us are relying on good old air conditioning to keep the home cool, but are you worried that your energy bills might be spiking like the temperatures outside? There are ways to keep those costs down, and we’re going to look at a few right now.

split system air conditioners

Getting a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats allow you to program your cooling schedule according to your daily routines, ensuring the AC operates only when needed. They learn your preferences and adjust temperatures automatically for optimal energy efficiency. Additionally, smart thermostats can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps, enabling you to adjust settings on the go and avoid cooling an empty home. Many smart thermostats also provide energy usage reports, helping you identify patterns and make informed adjustments. By maintaining a more precise and efficient cooling schedule, you can significantly reduce your AC energy consumption and lower your utility bills.

Getting Your AC Serviced

Regular AC servicing is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and longevity, ultimately saving you money. Annual maintenance by a professional technician ensures that your system operates at peak performance. During a service visit, the technician will clean coils, check refrigerant levels, inspect and tighten electrical connections, and ensure all components are working properly. Clean and well-maintained systems use less energy to cool your home, reducing your electricity bills. Regular servicing and necessary AC repair also help prevent unexpected breakdowns by identifying and addressing potential issues early. A well-maintained AC system not only runs more efficiently but also has a longer lifespan, delaying the need for expensive replacements.

Improving Home Insulation

Proper insulation keeps cool air inside during the summer, reducing the workload on your AC system. Start by insulating your attic, walls, and floors, which are common areas where air can escape. Sealing gaps and cracks around doors, windows, and other openings with weatherstripping or caulk also helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature. You may also want to check your roof, ensuring there are no gaps that can allow heat to infiltrate the home. Adding insulation to your ducts ensures that cooled air reaches its destination without loss. By enhancing your home’s insulation, you can maintain a cooler environment with less energy, lowering your cooling costs.

Using Ceiling Fans

Using ceiling fans in conjunction with your AC can help you save money by improving air circulation and allowing you to set your thermostat a few degrees higher without sacrificing comfort. Ceiling fans create a wind-chill effect, making rooms feel cooler than they actually are. This means you can raise the thermostat setting by 4-6 degrees without noticing a difference in comfort, reducing the energy your AC unit consumes. Ensure that fans are set to rotate counterclockwise during the summer to push cool air downward. Using fans effectively can lead to substantial energy savings and reduce wear and tear on your AC system.

There’s no denying that we spend more money on cooling the home down in the summer. However, it can be a necessity for the health and comfort of our home. The tips above can at least ensure it doesn’t sting as much as it might otherwise.

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