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Travel-Ready Home: Preparing Your Home Before Vacation

For any mom, preparing for a family vacation is exciting and stressful. The hassle of preparation and packing could camouflage the fact that you do have to get your home ready for your leave. Just by taking some extra time to clean, organize, and secure your home before heading off on your trip, you will be able to come back, not stressed about these things, and your house will be ready for your return.

Family Vacation Checklist to Plan Your Perfect Trip

1. Pre-Vacation Cleaning Checklist

Create a cleaning checklist of things to do before you leave work so you don’t come home to a messy house. Focus on the essential jobs that will make coming home more pleasant:

  • Wash and put away all dishes.
  • Wipe down countertops, tables, and other surfaces.
  • Sweep and mop floors.
  • Clean bathrooms, including toilets, sinks, and showers.
  • Change bed linen and make up beds with fresh sheets.
  • Take out the trash and recyclables.

According to Charlotte Flores, CEO of Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy, doing these chores before leaving the house will ensure you return to a clean, fresh-smelling home that doesn’t need much tidying.

2. Declutter and Organize

In preparation for your vacations, clean your house and take time to sort out and organize things. This will add beauty to your space but also allow you to quickly identify any important item upon return.

Here are some areas to focus on:

How To Declutter Your Home
  • Sort through mail and paperwork, recycling or shredding unnecessary items.
  • Put away any out-of-place items, such as toys, books, or clothing.
  • Organize your fridge and pantry, dispose of expired items, and consolidate open packages.
  • Straighten up closets and drawers, ensuring everything is neatly folded or hung.
  • Create a designated spot for your luggage and travel essentials.

Cleaning up and organizing before you leave will minimize the stress of unpacking and settling back into a routine once you get home.

3. Empty Fridge and Pantry

Since you don’t want to be welcomed back home by foul odors and rancid food, it is a great idea to set aside a few moments to clean the fridge and your pantry. Toss perishables that will spoil during your time away and figure out how you can either freeze extra food items or pass them on to someone else who will immediately eat them.

Here are some tips to get your refrigerator and pantry ready for the vacation:

  • Check expiration dates and eliminate anything that has the potential to spoil while you are away.
  • Use or share perishables such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  • Transfer opened packs of dry goods into airtight containers to ensure freshness.
  • Dust the shelves and drawers to remove spills or crumbs.
  • Adjust your refrigerator and freezer to save energy while away.

By taking these steps, you’ll avoid wasting food and ensure a clean, odor-free kitchen upon your return. If you need assistance with deep cleaning before your trip, consider professional house cleaning services.

4. Protect Your Home and Belongings

Before you leave for your holidays, ensure that you take necessary measures to safeguard your home and other things. This will help you be at peace while away and reduce any chances of theft or damage.

Here are some steps to take:

  • Lock all doors and windows on the first floor, including those upstairs and in the basement.
  • Set timers for interior and exterior lights to create the illusion of occupancy.
  • Suspend mail and newspaper deliveries or ask someone you can trust to remove them from the home on a regular basis.
  • Secure valuable items like jewelry, important documents, and electronics in a safe or hidden location.
  • Consider investing in a house safety feature or intelligent gadgets to be better protected.

With these safeguards in place, rest assured that your home and its items will be safe as you go off on that much-needed holiday.

5. Turn Off Appliances and Adjust Settings

To save energy and reduce the risk of electrical fires, unplug non-essential appliances and adjust settings on others before you leave. This simple step can also help you save money on your utility bills while you’re away.

Here are some appliances to consider:

  • Keep small appliances—like toasters, coffee makers, and phone chargers—unplugged.
  • Adjust the thermostat accordingly to an energy-efficient setting for that season.
  • Switch off and unplug TVs, computers, and game stations.
  • Lower the temperature on your water heater to save energy.
  • Make sure all lights are turned off, except those that you have fitted with a timer for security.

By unplugging and adjusting these appliances properly, you will prevent not only energy wastage but also electrical hazards from happening at home.

6. Enlist the Help of a Trusted Neighbor or Friend

If possible, ask your trusted neighbor or your friend to let their eye on your home so that they would be able to take delivery of mail and water plants. No doubt, things will then appear lively from the outside. Besides giving peace of mind toward security, it also provides an emergency contact.

Such are some of the things you can ask your neighbor or friend for help with:

  • Collecting mail and newspapers to prevent them from piling up.
  • Watering plants and lawn, if necessary.
  • Parking their car in your driveway occasionally to create the appearance of occupancy.
  • Checking for any signs of damage or unusual activity around your property.
  • Being available as an emergency contact in case of any issues.

By getting someone trustworthy, you will know that your home is being well taken care of while away. If you need assistance with home maintenance while you’re gone, consider services from Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy of Tacoma.

This Checklist Will Help You Plan a Family Vacation You’ll Never Forget

Pre-Vacation Home Checklist: How to Prepare Your Home for Vacation

Preparing the house before leaving for your vacation might seem like another hassle added to your list, but it’s one of the most important things you can do to come back feeling relaxed and not stressed out. Check off the following: a cleaning checklist, decluttering and organization, emptying the fridge and pantry, home and valuables securing, appliance unplugging, and lastly—enlisting help from somebody you can entrust—these shall set you up for a smooth transition back into reality.

Remember, the key to prepping your house for vacation lies in planning and being organized. Start your checklist a week or two before your departure date to avoid last-minute scrambling. You’ll have a great vacation knowing you have a clean, safe, and inviting home waiting if you give yourself adequate preparation time to get things in order around the house.

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