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6 Situations Where a Divorce Lawyer Will Help You

A divorce can be overwhelming, but an Oklahoma City divorce lawyer can offer valuable assistance. From providing legal advice to representing your interests in court, these professionals play a vital role in ensuring a smoother process.

divorce process

6 Situations Where a Divorce Lawyer Will Help You

In Oklahoma, a divorce lawyer can assist you in various situations related to the dissolution of a marriage. Some common scenarios where a divorce lawyer can help include:

Filing for Divorce

If you’re considering ending your marriage, a divorce lawyer can guide you through the legal process of filing for divorce, including preparing and filing the necessary paperwork with the court. They can also walk you through the twelve valid grounds for divorce in Oklahoma.

Legal Separation

If you and your spouse are considering a legal separation rather than a divorce, a divorce lawyer can help you understand the implications of this decision and assist you in negotiating separation agreements regarding issues such as child custody, support, and property division.

Child Custody and Visitation

Whether you are a mother or a father, and however many children you have, a divorce lawyer can advocate for your rights and interests regarding child custody and visitation arrangements, helping you negotiate a parenting plan that serves the best interests of your children under Oklahoma law.

Child Support

If you have children and are divorcing, a divorce lawyer can help you understand Oklahoma’s child support guidelines and ensure that appropriate support payments are determined based on your financial circumstances and the needs of your children.

Division of Assets and Debts

A divorce lawyer can assist you in dividing marital assets and debts fairly and equitably under Oklahoma’s equitable distribution laws, ensuring that you receive your fair share of property and assets acquired during the marriage. The law does not require that you divide your joint assets strictly in half with your former spouse, but will ensure that the share that you both receive is fair and just.

Negotiation and Mediation

A divorce lawyer can represent you in negotiation or mediation sessions with your spouse and their attorney, helping you reach agreements on key issues such as child custody, support, and property division outside of court. Lawyer-mediated negotiations are often more productive than those without.

Consult With an Oklahoma City Divorce Lawyer

These are just a few areas in which a divorce lawyer in Oklahoma can help you. Consulting with a legal specialist can provide you with the legal guidance, advocacy, and representation you need to get through this process successfully. Your lawyer will help you as you approach the multiple legal issues that come with a divorce case and ensure you achieve a fair and favorable outcome in accordance with Oklahoma’s family law statutes. Learn more here.

No one wants to have to file for divorce, but working with a divorce lawyer in Oklahoma can provide both some reassurance and guidance throughout the divorce process.

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