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How to Tune In and Zone Out while Mastering Focus

Mastering focus is something that most people don’t give a second thought to. Yet your everyday life and career will be made better and easier when you learn to control your concentration. From removing distractions to doing one thing at a time, here are some tips.

Supplements that Can Help

Supplements is one of the biggest markets on the internet right now. Health and fitness, as well as improving your mood and brain health, are big selling points. They mainly consist of essential vitamins that help your body and mind. You may have heard of smart drugs, also known as nootropics. These are a combination of natural and synthetic ingredients. Explore supplies for some of the best-made nootropic products for cognitive enhancement at home.

The Removal of Distractions

It can sometimes feel like there are distractions everywhere when what is really happening is procrastination! We all have days where working feels laborious, and we just can’t get something done. This can be especially hard when working from home. Removing distractions while working, reading reports, or doing your tax returns is vital for enhanced focus. Move to a quiet place, switch off your phone, and ensure you work when people won’t bother you.

Mastering Focus at Peak Times

You may or may not be aware that you have a sweet spot during the day when your focus is higher than usual. For many people, this is in the morning between 10 am and 11 am. However, some report mid-afternoon between 2 pm and 3 pm. Others are switched on in the evening. It has been suggested that about 50% of people find it hard to focus. Life and diet such as watching your carb intake can make a difference. But finding peak time could be the answer.

Can You Really Multitask?

Can you multitask? No, you can’t! A lot of research has gone into this. And no matter your age or gender, multitasking is something of a myth. Concentration progressively slows exponentially in tandem with tasks being performed. That means the more you try to do, the less focus you have on each task. In the real world, this means your work will be sloppy if you don’t provide 100% attention to the current task at hand. It is best to concentrate on one task at a time.

Warren Buffet’s 2-List Strategy

Do you have goals but find it hard to get them done? This is because you can’t focus on too many at once. There are specific goals that are more important. Investor Warren Buffet has a great strategy that can help. List 25 things you need to achieve. Then, circle 5, which you think is the most important. Put these 5 into a list. Now you have two lists. You have one list of things that are critical and that you can focus on. You also have 20 things you must avoid at all costs!


Supplements such as nootropics are a huge help when mastering focus at home and work. However, it can help to identify your brain’s peak hours for concentration. Warren Buffet’s 2-List Strategy will help you sort out what is really important and what isn’t for focusing your attention.

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