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Traveling in Style the Smart Way

Every time we open a social media app nowadays, we’re bombarded with pictures and videos of people traveling in luxury. It’s easy to dismiss these images as realms reserved for the rich and famous, but is it really that inaccessible for the rest of us? 


We don’t think it is. Below, we go through a few important tips that can allow you to travel in style even on a low budget. From frequent flyer programs to carrying out extensive research, here’s what you should keep in mind. 

Use a frequent flyer program. 

One of the easiest ways to make your travel experience more stylish is to use some kind of frequent flyer program. By making sure that all the flights you take add points that go towards your future travel experiences, you get to save money as well as optimize the overall experience. 

You’ll start to gain access to frequent flyer lounges, and potentially enjoy a range of other benefits as well. Combine that approach with an airline credit card, and you’ll likely open the door to a wide range of wonderful yet surprisingly affordable travel experiences. 

Travel off-season

If you want to travel to amazing locations without the crowds and peak-season prices, then try to choose your travel dates during the off-season. Of course, this won’t always be a good idea – sometimes people don’t travel to places out of season for good reason (such as due to bad weather) but in other cases, it can make a whole lot of sense.

Importantly, you’ll likely find that premium, stylish accommodation is available at a reduced rate, allowing you to afford an experience that would normally be outside of your budget. 

Pack smart

If you want to feel and look good while traveling, you need to make sure that you’re smart with your packing. It’s easy to just cram loads of things in a huge bag, pay unnecessary baggage fees on your flight, and then find out that you don’t even have what you need anyway.

Take the time to make a realistic assessment of what it is you’ll be wearing each day, and buy some travel-sized toiletries. Try to keep your bag small, something that’s relatively easy to carry around – it’ll make traveling a lot less stressful and will likely end up saving you money as well.

Do research beforehand

While it’s important to go with the flow to a certain extent, it’s also good to travel with a certain amount of preparation. If you’re going to a big, bustling location, try to have a handful of ideas in mind, in terms of places to eat and activities to do, before you head off. 

Of course, you can disregard all these options if you then get advice from locals or stumble across some absolute treasures. But, it will mean that you at least have a range of backup options in mind, increasing the chances that you have a stylish and enjoyable experience.

Embracing these tips can make traveling in a style accessible to pretty much everyone. Try them out next time you plan a trip away – it could transform your experience!

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