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Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can lead to serious common motorcycle injuries. Understanding these injuries is key to staying safe on the road.

Riding a motorcycle offers freedom and excitement, but it also comes with risks. Common motorcycle injuries can be severe and life-changing. Knowing these injuries helps you take steps to protect yourself. Let’s explore the most frequent injuries motorcyclists face and how to prevent them.

Common Motorcycle Injuries: Protect Yourself on the Road

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), there were 82,687 reported motorcycle accident injuries reported in 2022. Compared to other motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents are known for causing a high rate of severe injuries and death due to the rider’s limited protection.

Even with wearing proper safety gear and taking appropriate safety precautions, motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common injuries motorcyclists face when involved in an accident.

Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents

Road Rash

Road rash is perhaps the most common type of injury suffered by motorcycle accident victims. This injury occurs when the motorcyclist’s skin makes contact with the road, resulting in abrasions, cuts, and bruises. Road rash can vary in severity, ranging from mild scrapes to deep wounds that may recover skin grafts or reconstructive surgery. To help reduce the chances of suffering road rash, motorcyclists should wear protective clothing, such as leather pants and jackets.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most severe and life-altering types of injuries associated with motorcycle accidents. TBIs can range from mild concussions to serious skull fractures or brain hemorrhages. The effects of a TBI can be long-lasting and can result in physical, emotional, and cognitive impairments. Although wearing a helmet won’t eliminate the chances of a motorcyclist suffering a TBI, it can reduce fatal injuries by 37%. Therefore, if you are riding a motorcycle, it is crucial that you wear a helmet.


Common Motorcycle Injuries

Burn injuries are another type of common injury sustained in motorcycle accidents. Burns occur when a rider makes contact with hot surfaces on the motorcycle, such as the engine, exhaust pipe, or even flames from a ruptured fuel tank. Burns can range from first-degree to third-degree, with the most serious cases requiring extensive treatment. 

Lower Extremity Injuries

Lower extremity injuries are also extremely common in motorcycle accidents, primarily because the rider’s legs are exposed and low to the ground. When a motorcyclist crashes, their legs and feet can sustain fractures, sprains, or even crush injuries.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are another type of catastrophic injury that is common in motorcycle accidents. Depending on the severity, spinal cord damage can lead to either partial or complete paralysis, which can profoundly affect the victim’s quality of life. Oftentimes, SCIs require surgery, rehabilitation, and adaptive equipment. 

Recovering Compensation For Injuries

Motorcycle accident injuries

If you have suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident, it is important to know that you may be able to recover compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial hardship that has resulted by filing a motorcycle accident claim.

The St. Petersburg motorcycle accident attorneys at Salter, Healy, Riviera, & Heptner warn accident victims that there is a stigma and bias surrounding motorcyclists that may bar them from recovering the compensation they are entitled to. Therefore, it is important to consult with an attorney who is familiar who can protect you throughout the legal process and help you on your journey to recovery.

Top Common Motorcycle Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Motorcycle accidents often result in common motorcycle injuries that can have lasting impacts. By wearing protective gear and staying informed, riders can reduce their risk. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, seek legal advice to recover the compensation you deserve. Stay safe and protect yourself on every ride.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact our experienced attorneys today for a free consultation and start your journey to recovery.


What are the most common injuries in motorcycle accidents?

Common injuries include road rash, traumatic brain injuries, burns, lower extremity injuries, and spinal cord injuries.

How can I prevent road rash in a motorcycle accident?

Wear protective clothing like leather jackets and pants to minimize skin contact with the road.

Does wearing a helmet reduce the risk of head injuries?

Yes, helmets can reduce the risk of fatal head injuries by 37%.

What should I do if I suffer a spinal cord injury in a motorcycle accident?

Seek immediate medical attention and consult a specialized attorney to explore your compensation options.

Can I recover compensation for injuries from a motorcycle accident?

Yes, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorney to help with your claim.


I am not an attorney. I am a former personal injury and civil paralegal with a master’s degree in legal studies. This information is not legal advice. Always consult a qualified attorney for legal matters.

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