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Boosting Your Home’s Curb Appeal In 3 Easy Steps

Curb appeal: What exactly is it, and why should you pay attention to it? Basically, curb appeal is how your home looks to others and yourself from the street, essentially before anyone enters inside.

It’s the visual appearance of the external front part of your home and what people see before they see anything else. Essentially, your house could be a show-stopping masterpiece of style and aesthetic beauty inside, but if it looks shabby and unkempt from the street, then people will have already made up their minds about what your home looks like and how you live before even entering. Small details, such as upgrading your mail box and post, can make a significant difference in enhancing curb appeal. But why is it important? It’s not just about what others think; it’s about how you feel. A well-maintained home can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment, boosting your personal satisfaction and making you feel good about your home. And if you’re selling, it can also help attract more viewings and better offers.

Now that we’ve grasped the concept of curb appeal let’s delve into how you can enhance it. We’ll break it down into manageable steps, making the process of improving your home’s visual appeal more achievable.

Clean Everything

Walls, windows, doors, pathways, garages, and roofing—if you can see it, clean it. External areas naturally collect lots of dirt and grime over time, and this is from any source, including the weather and pollution. Regular cleaning is not just a chore; it’s a powerful tool for maintaining your home’s curb appeal and preventing the build-up of dirt and grime. By hiring a company like Cincinnati Premier Power Washing, you can uncover the true beauty and color of your home easily and safely, restoring it to its former glory by removing all build-up in different areas. This simple cleaning can transform your home’s look, giving you a sense of empowerment and control over your property’s appearance.


That broken mailbox, the gate that doesn’t quite close and swings in the wind, the cracked paving, damaged ornaments you keep forgetting to remove, or anything else will negatively impact your curb appeal and give out a poor impression of you and your home as well as indicate the level of care and upkeep inside. On top of it, this does not look good either. If you want to maintain a positive impression of your home, it’s important to take responsibility and identify all those little jobs you have been putting off or avoiding and have become blind to and get them fixed. Whether you need to replace the gate or a fence entirely or just fix the damaged paving, replace the mailbox, etc, taking proactive steps to repair and maintain your home can significantly improve its visual appeal.

Add Decor

Dressing up the outside of your home can make it look good for you and visitors. While not everyone will have the same taste as you, adding things like plants, both real or artificial, lighting, ornaments, and maybe even decorative hedges or water features can boost your curb appeal and give it an added element to help it look good. You can make a feature of an otherwise long and boring pathway using arches or plant posts. You can add in ground lighting, pot lights along a path, or add to decking to make a feature of a front decked space, wreaths on front doors, or a fountain in large areas of lawns; it’s entirely up to you. 

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