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What Does A Perfect Reading Corner Actually Consist Of?

True book lovers could read a book anywhere – sprawled out on the grass of their back garden, on a train, doing cartwheels through the forest – okay, perhaps that last one is a bit much. But the truth is that when a great story has its hooks in you, the outside world melts away, and you become utterly transfixed by the imagination of the author presenting such a tale to you, who is also inviting you to use your imagination to relate.

All that is lovely and nice to think of on the surface. Still, it’s true such romantic perspectives rarely override this one truth – it’s pretty nice to have a comfortable seat and quiet area to read in. Sure, a great story might help you forget that you’re sitting on a bed of nails, but that’s not exactly going to relax you.

So, maybe you’re a little tired of feeling uncomfortable during your reading sessions, and you’d prefer to consider something worthwhile. In this post, we’ll discuss what a reading corner consists of outside of the common advice we often see online. With that in mind, let’s consider:

Creating a Reading Corner: Tips for Comfort and Focus

creating a reading corner

Good Lighting At All Hours Of The Day

Of course, the earth is all good, and we’re generally stoked it exists. But it has a habit of spinning. That means the sun, no matter how hard it tries, can’t gently light your room for reading pleasure at all hours of the day. In some hours, a particular room may be less illuminated than others, causing potential eye strain if you’re reading. That’s why having reading lights that help you adjust the natural levels throughout the day is great, or can provide nice reading light in the evening without casting hard shadows. Moreover, if you visit website for a window service, you could replace old or shoddy windows to enjoy natural light when it’s available.

Seating You Can Lean This Way & That Way With

You can prop your feet up on a footrest and sink into the plushest, most luxurious armchair. Still, if that chair is too rigid and doesn’t have a bit of flexibility, giving in the cushions to let you shift positions easily, you’ll soon be stuck in one posed stance. You might even become more armchair than human. That’s no good while you’re trying to read.

A good reading chair should almost mold to your body’s natural movements as you lean this way and that way, reclining or sitting up, getting comfortable while turning those pages. Bonus points if it swivels a full 360 degrees or has a built-in reclining mechanism. Or, you can use memory foam pillows to help support your lumbar too. An upright reading pillow can also help you feel calmer while reading in bed. Anything that lets you effortlessly transition from upright to lounging is perfect for those long page-turning hours.

Creating a Reading Corner Tips for Comfort and Focus

Sound Damping/Proofing

It’s hard to get lost in your latest sci-fi epic or swept up in the romantic tensions of your historical drama if you’ve got a barking dog, honking cars, or screaming kids constantly shattering the silence and breaking your concentration. Sure, these things are somewhat inevitable in households, and it’s not like you’re going to return your children to the child store just because they wanted your attention.

But if you want to, you can set up your reading corner with some simple sound damping or even anti-echo foam to prevent noises from reverberating, such as air-con. Also, thick curtains hung along the windows and even bookshelves lined with actual books (you may own a couple) can all help absorb and deaden excess ambient noise. A good pair of speakers or headphones can also help you relax when you know no one is relying on you. For readers, there are many great instrumental playlists on services like YouTube and Spotify. You heard it here first!

Well-Ventilated Airflow

Proper ventilation from windows that can crack open, or even a ceiling fan on its lowest setting, can provide a gentle, refreshing airflow that can help you avoid falling asleep in a stifling space. It’ll keep you alert instead of feeling drowsy the moment you start reading the words on a page, which is a common affliction for those with busy lifestyles away from their paperbacks. Moreover, an air purifier can provide the white noise you need to focus more easily, and the air purification benefits are pretty cool, too.


In other words, you’ll have a space you can breathe in, even if the smell of library books, old paperbacks, and your dogs in the summer are competing for center stage.

With this advice, you’ll be certain to curate a fantastic reading corner to be proud of.

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