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Packing Tips Ready for Your Move

Getting ready to move property can be a stressful experience, but one that, unfortunately, has to be done—the end result will be worth it! So, the sooner you start getting ready for your move, the easier the process will be. Part of the getting ready process is packing. 

A Simple Guide To Packing and Shipping Your Valuables

When packing, there are several tips that you should follow to make packing easier and to make unpacking easier for you. Always label the boxes so that you know where to put them, declutter as you don’t want to bring things with you that you no longer need, and pack room by room; this way, you don’t have mess everywhere and overwhelm yourself. Alternatively, if you have the budget, look into professional packing services, as this can save you a lot of time and energy – let’s be honest, packing isn’t the funniest thing to do in the world. 

Below, we look more at our top packing tips. 

Always label your boxes. 

When packing up your items, always label the boxes as this will help you know where to put them in your new property, it will also let you know if you need to be careful when carrying. Write down the room they should be in, for example, the kid’s bedroom and label if they are fragile or not – this will avoid breakages on the day of the move. 


Whenever you are moving property, always have a declutter before packing. Over the years it will be inevitable that you will have collected a lot of items, some considered junk and that you never intend to use. Be ruthless, as the more items you bring, the more packing and unpacking you need to do. It can sometimes help to have a friend or family member with you who can be strict throughout the decluttering process. 

Pack room by room 

Start the packing process as soon as possible to reduce the last-minute rush of boxing your items. When starting the process, do this room by room as this way, you don’t have items everywhere on your property, causing you to feel overwhelmed. It also means if you don’t finish in time, you don’t have a complete mess to deal with. By doing room by room, it feels like more is being achieved as once done, you can say that section of your house is packed and tick that off your list – having a spreadsheet for your packing can also we useful, as you can use this to make sure you haven’t missed any important items, like your passport or driving license. 

Properly protect fragile items. 

It’s important to properly wrap and protect your fragile items as you don’t want them to break when moving home. Buy plenty of bubble wrap so wrap around your glasses and label any boxes that are fragile so when being carried, you are extra careful. For any really fragile items, keep them separate and take them yourself instead of putting them in the removal van. 

Strategies to Minimize the Stress of Moving

What tips would you recommend to someone getting ready to move home? Are there any packing tips that you think we should add to our guide? Let us know in the comment box below. 

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