Are you a busy parent, but you have decided that you want something for yourself? That’s completely reasonable, and we understand why you want this. You are a person, after all, not just a parent, and we must remember that. So, one of the best things that you can do is take up a hobby if you do not already have one. If you do have one, it might be the case that you haven’t been making time for it the way you should have been, and that’s where the issue comes in,
Either way, you either need to find a hobby or make more time for your existing one. If it’s the former, you’re in the right place to get some inspiration for hobbies you could choose. We’re going to be giving you some suggestions to help you get on the right track, so keep reading if you would like to find out more about this.

One of the first things that we’re going to talk about is art. Art is very therapeutic, as it lets you express the things that you are keeping inside, as well as create beautiful pieces in the process. Now, let us get one thing straight before we carry on talking about art: you do not have to create masterpieces; you do not even have to be good at art to take it up as a hobby. A lot of the techniques and whatnot can be learned, so don’t let this stop you if you enjoy it. It takes time to master things, remember?
So, back to the fact that art is a great hobby. It’s something that you can do to fit around your kids and your current schedule which is a huge bonus. And, if you are worried about the cost of a hobby then there are cheaper ways to do this. You don’t have to spend and spend on art supplies, as there are always ways around it. If it’s something you love, and if creating is something you love, then do it.
Crochet Or Knitting
If you have patience, and you like creating practical things like blankets for example, then crochet or knitting might be a good idea to look at. It can take some time to master this, as it’s quite fiddly and tricky due to all of the different ways to do it etc. But, as long as you persevere, you aren’t going to give up and you are determined to see success, you will. Look into different information such as a hook size chart, for example, as this will help you understand what hooks are best for what kind of projects.
When you feel like giving up on this, just remember how far you have come. Look at some of your pieces in the beginning see where you are now, and look at how amazing you are doing. However, if you don’t like it, don’t force yourself to carry on. You should only carry on with a hobby if you enjoy it, even if it is tough.
Some people love baking, and other people don’t love baking. You aren’t going to know which side of the line you fall on, though, if you don’t give it a go. We know that some people think that because they are not a fan of cooking they automatically won’t like baking, but this is not the case at all. Yes, there are some people who don’t like both, but just because you’re not a fan of one, doesn’t mean you automatically won’t like the other! So, perhaps you want to give baking a try because who knows? It might end up being the thing that you love, the thing that helps you to feel calm.
One of the appeals of baking is getting to make sweet treats that people enjoy. If you are someone who gets happiness from seeing other people happy from things that you have done, then baking is definitely something you should try out. You can experiment with flavors, and see what works well together, as well as what does not.

You might be tempted to skip over this one because you already have to cook every day to feed the people that you love. However, the reason that a lot of people don’t enjoy doing this is because it’s something they feel they have to do, rather than something they are doing for enjoyment. If you take the necessity out of cooking, then it can actually be a lot more calm and enjoyable. Of course, not everyone is going to feel this way, as some people simply do not like to cook, but if you try it out when there is nobody counting on you to feed them ASAP, then you will know for sure.
Cooking allows you to get creative, you can take cooking classes if you want to hone your skills, and you can generally create deliciousness all of the time. For some people the kitchen is their happy place, and this is a wonderful idea for those people to take up. Sometimes being a busy parent really takes its toll on you, so whatever you can do to calm down is worth it.
We are aware that there are some people out there who do not see reading as a hobby, but those people are simply wrong. Reading is one of the most powerful hobbies for those people who can get into it. There are people who can’t because they simply just cannot get on board with this, and that’s okay, you don’t have to. But we think that it’s at least worth giving it a try for no reason other than it could be the best decision you have ever made.
If you do manage to get into reading, it is a magical experience that you will fall in love with. You get to live so many different lives, experience so many different emotions, and experience so many great loves, all from the comfort of your own space. You fall in love with characters, you cry, you smile, you laugh, and you root for people you don’t even know. It’s an amazing experience if it’s something that you enjoy.
If you are looking to do something a little more active, then maybe getting involved in a sport is a good idea. Think about sports that you may have liked when you were younger, or sports that you like to watch on TV and consider getting involved in one of them. It might be tough to find a team or some other people who have this interest in your area, but we’re sure that you can find something!
Joining a sport will help you to keep fit, help you stay active, providing all sorts of benefits for your mental and physical health. Just make sure that if you do find something to do here, you have someone to look after the kids for the hour or two that you will be out. We know that this isn’t always easy, but we’re sure that you can find someone you trust who is willing to help you out.

While it might not be massively talked about anymore, collecting used to be one of the most common hobbies around. There were many different collections of various items, and the collectors had a lot of fun doing this. For example, one of the most common things to collect is coins quickly followed by stamps. It’s not just about buying them, though; it’s about finding them, finding rare ones, and adding them to a collection. It’s satisfying when you have a particular area of interest and you are able to see a range of different variations of the same thing.
Yes, collecting can cost a lot of money over time, and it’s really for people who have a niche area of interest. For example, some people collect pokemon cards for example, whereas others will collect seashells. It’s about collecting the things that you love so that you can look at them and appreciate them, and if you think that this isn’t going to be for you then that’s okay. Collecting isn’t for everyone, as it takes a lot of patience, a lot of research, and dedication.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the hobbies that you can consider taking up as a busy parent. Of course, if there is another one that you can think of, and one that you would prefer to the options that we have given, then feel free to try that one out. Sometimes you may try a variety of different hobbies until you find the one that you love. It’s just a case of taking your time and trying out a few different things, and while some people might find this frustrating, it’s the only way! We wish you the very best of luck, and hope you end up with a hobby that you adore.

Jessi is the creative mind behind The Coffee Mom, a popular blog that combines parenting advice, travel tips, and a love for all things Disney. As a trusted Disney influencer and passionate storyteller, Jessi’s authentic insights and relatable content resonate with readers worldwide.