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6 Effective Ways to Increase Home Safety and Comfort

It seems that all you see on the news these days is crime rising and antisocial behavior taking over society. While some of this news may be a way to get more clicks and views, it certainly feels less safe than it used to. So, what can you do to ensure that your bastion of safety remains not only secure but comfortable to boot? This post will explore six ways you can increase both of these aspects so that you can prove that security needn’t be overly intrusive.

Check All The Locks Around Your House

The humble lock is an often overlooked company of home security that offers the most significant bang for your buck. However, because it is something we use every day, it is easy to forget that it can actually go wrong and may need replacing. This is especially true if you have a door or window that you lock but rarely open. Consequently, spending some time to confirm that all the locals in your house are in good working order can be the difference between coming home to business as usual or coming home to see the place ransacked and your valuables missing. This locksmith in Oregon City shows what can be achieved as long as you know where to go. For instance, you can rekey a lock so it works with a new key or opt for a complete repair if you discover that one of your locks is malfunctioning. 

Install Motion-Activated Lights Outside

Many burglaries occur in places that make it easy. No thief really wants to spend time and effort breaking into somewhere if there is the off chance that they will get caught. Motion-activated lighting is a great way to ward off all but the most committed burgers by making it look as though someone has noticed them. The best part about these lights is that they tend to be affordable, and if you look around, you can often get solar-powered varieties that won’t cost you a penny in electricity. Solar lights also ensure that even if the power is out (or has been cut), they will still work as usual.

Place Fire Extinguishers In Key Areas

If you were to visit 100 homes, chances are that 99 of them won’t have any form of fire suppression. After all, do you even know where you might purchase a fire extinguisher? But you should find out because they are valuable items to have around. What use is a fire alarm if you have no means to act on the warning? You might think that you can simply throw a bucket of water over the fire, but this can be greatly counter-productive if the fire is from an electrical fault, and because most modern fires will tend to come about from electrical issues, it’s wise to invest in a few extinguishers that are rated for these types of fire. The idea is to invest in several different options (water, foam, CO2, powder, etc) and place them in locations where they make sense.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, and in most cases, it’s tricky to know when your house will be flooded with gas until it’s too late. They work similarly to fire alarms, except that the sensors are attuned to CO rather than smoke. They are very affordable, and you can usually buy several of them as part of a bundle. Once you have them, install them around the house, outside of areas where gas leaks could occur, as well as outside bedrooms. You should also make an effort to test them once or twice per month to ensure they are working as they should be. 

Consider A Home Automation System

Modern technology is incredible and has changed plenty of things about how we live our lives. This extended to home security, where you can now get doorbells that connect to your Wi-Fi and allow you to see and speak to visitors in real-time. If you really want to up your tech security game, you can install cameras around the place and connect them to your motion detectors. When they detect movement of some kind, will immediately begin recording and send you a notification so you can watch what is unfolding and inform the emergency services if necessary.

Keep Valuables Out Of Sight

This might sound like an obvious choice to finish off the post, but you’d be surprised at just how lackadaisical most homeowners can be when it comes to securing valuables. But what does this actually mean in practice? You could install a key box in your hallway where you stow away your keys when you come home from work instead of throwing them on the table closest to your letter box. You might also consider buying a safe and stashing everything of value that you don’t frequently use to keep them secure until you need them. However you go about it, just make sure that you don’t leave anything you wouldn’t want to get stolen out in the open.

Keeping your home secure isn’t rocket science, but it does take a little effort on your part to get things up to scratch. From ensuring your locks are working correctly to syncing up your various security measures with your internet, there is plenty you can do to keep your home and valuables safe.

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