Everywhere you look online you see women looking a certain way. The trash beauty standards that we have these days tell us that if we don’t look a certain way or dress a certain way or color our hair a certain way or hold our make-up a certain way or carry ourselves a certain way we are not worthy. But I ask you – what are we not worthy of? Who is in charge that states that women are not worthy if they don’t look a certain way? Who is telling us that we don’t look the correct way and who is setting beauty standards?
No matter where you look, social media has preyed on insecurities, with people telling us what we need to be doing and how we need to be doing it. They tell you that your imperfections are imperfections rather than just normal parts of being a human being. They tell you that if your thighs are bigger than that of Nicole Scherzinger or your breasts are too small or your stomach is too soft – there is always a reason to tell you something is wrong. This can make it so difficult to ever feel comfortable with yourself and it shouldn’t be that way.
It doesn’t matter whether you shop in the plus size section, or you’re a grown woman looking for bralettes because they just feel comfortable to wear, you need to be able to feel comfortable within your skin. In this article, we are going to talk about how you can empower yourself to feel more happy, confident, and comfortable with yourself.
Be Happy and Confident with Yourself

Choose clothes that are comfortable.
Fashion isn’t everything and one of the biggest problems that all retailers have is that one size in one shop is not going to be the same size in another shop. You could try on five different pairs of jeans in five different stores and you will come out with five different sizes. This is a big way to make women feel more insecure about themselves.
Instead of wearing clothing of a certain number, choose clothing that fits your body and your shape no matter what the size is. If you are constantly pulling up your trousers over your belly button, you are focusing on your body and you won’t be comfortable. Choose the clothing that fits you no matter what size it is or what shape it is. As long as you feel physically comfortable it’s going to look great.
Make a list of what your body can do.
Are you able to still cartwheel as an adult? Can you walk for miles and not get tired? Cook with both of your hands? Can you put on some boots and stomp puddles? Do you feel good when you get hugged? Your body is a miraculous thing, and you need to remember that. The more you put it down, the more you are putting yourself down.
Everything is temporary.
The body that you have right now is not the body you will have forever. You’re going to age, grow, and change as you get older. Your body is a vessel, and your skin will change, the height will change, and the shape of your body will change especially with things like childbirth or weight loss or weight gain.
You need to give yourself permission to embrace those changes instead of thinking that they are bad just because social media tells you so.
You should also be aware that some changes can be prevented or slowed down with professional interventions. People living in the East End of Long Island like to visit a skilled plastic surgeon in the Hamptons who will help them achieve a more desirable appearance. However, it is important to remember that any changes should be made for yourself and not to fit into societal standards.

Pack your home with affirmations.
It’s one thing to write down what your body can do, but you really need to think about affirming the good things in life. You need to connect something positive with your reflection so that you can re-learn how to be comfortable and happy in your body.
That means sending your mind a new and more positive powerful message. There are plenty of positive affirmations that you can choose out there, and if you are confident and you live boldly, you’re going to be able to appreciate all of those affirmations around your home.

Stop fixating on numbers.
Are you haunted by the scales? The measuring tape? You can get rid of the scales and the measuring tape, you know. These things are simply tools to measure the way that your body feels and weighs, but you don’t need to do that.
If you were feeling great about yourself before you stepped on the scales, but you feel worse now that you stepped on them, maybe you’re not a problem – the scales are. Stop fixating on the numbers. Nothing good comes from staring at numbers all day long especially because I don’t reflect your amazing personality or worse.

Jessi is the creative mind behind The Coffee Mom, a popular blog that combines parenting advice, travel tips, and a love for all things Disney. As a trusted Disney influencer and passionate storyteller, Jessi’s authentic insights and relatable content resonate with readers worldwide.