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How to Stay Productive at Home When Your Pets Want Attention

Working from home offers various benefits, the most important of which is spending more time with our beloved pets. Of course, getting any work done is easier said than done when you have to balance the demands of your work boss and your real boss – your pet!

Of course, if you’re expected to go into the office every day, you can still stay in touch with your pets with the handiest gadget to ever grace the lives of pet parents: the pet cam! New models allow you to see your precious pet and hear them, and if you have a Petcube cam with treats, you can now interact with your pet by tossing little treats to them during the day.

Whether working from home with a dog or sharing a workspace with a cat, you can’t let your day job slip. So, we’ll explore effective strategies to help you abide focused and productive while working from home with pets.

Stay Productive When Working from Home with Pets

working from home with pets

Routine, baby!

Establishing a consistent routine is one way to ensure that you and your pets thrive. Set regular work hours and stick to them. Dogs and cats thrive on that kind of predictability, so setting up a schedule that balances your needs with theirs is key. Remember, exercise is essential to keeping your pet mentally and physically in tip-top shape. Check out this link for more strategies to maximize your pet’s health.

Playtime and exercise should be prioritized before you begin your work and after work to ensure your pets are getting ample exercise. Taking your dog for a walk or engaging in interactive play sessions with your car will go a long way in ensuring your furry buddies are all tuckered out and relieved of any excess energy so you can knuckle down and get stuff done.

Set up a pet-friendly workspace

Stay Productive When Working from Home with Pets

Setting up a designated workspace, including your pets, will greatly increase your productivity. Have a cozy and inviting spot set up where your pets can relax near you while you work. Include a blanket, toys, and treats nearby to entertain and occupy them. 

A designated space for your pets will help minimize distractions and make it easier to focus on your work while keeping your pets close.

Toys and puzzles

If you think your workday feels long, imagine how it feels for your pet. To ensure your cuties don’t get bored, invest in puzzle feeders or treat dispensing toys for dogs and interactive toys for cats. Not only will this keep them occupied for longer periods, but this mental stimulation is also great for your pet. 

When working from home with pets, consider rotating toys fairly often so your pet’s interest levels stay high. After an extended period of good behavior, some positive reinforcement in the form of treats, praise, and cuddles will help further reinforce this kind of behavior.

Boundaries are best

Boundaries aren’t just important in ensuring that your work doesn’t spill into your personal time; they’re also essential in communicating with your pets when you need them to behave a certain way. 

Maybe this sounds familiar: you’re on a team video call when your cat decides to grab her 15-minutes of fame and introduce your coworkers to her fluffy butt (working from home with cats is never dull!), or your dog decides this is the moment to sing the song of his people during your presentation, making it almost impossible to continue.

Training your pets to know when certain behaviors are appropriate will also help you catch a break long enough to complete your work. Teach them that jumping on your lap or barking excessively during work hours is unacceptable. Verbal commands can be handy to reinforce these boundaries.

How to Stay Productive at Home When Your Pets Want Attention

Final thoughts

When working from home with pets, it’s possible to strike that delicate balance between being productive and still doting on your sweet fur kid. By making small adjustments like establishing a routine and creating a pet-friendly workspace, you will soon find that you’re able to smash your to-do list and be a great pet parent at the same time. 

Now that you’re equipped with these handy tips, you’ll find that by striking that harmonious balance; you’ll enjoy the best of both worlds – productive workdays and a close and loving bond with your furry friend.

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