If you haven’t felt like yourself after giving birth, it could be time to consider a mommy makeover in Wellington. In this guide, explore the answers to common inquiries about this cosmetic procedure package, which is customized to help women regain their pre-baby bodies after having children.

Answers to Your Questions About Having a Mommy Makeover in Wellington
What Surgeries Does This Procedure Include?
The traditional post-pregnancy makeover procedure incorporates a breast lift and a tummy tuck. Some women decide to include additional surgeries depending on their overall aesthetic goals, such as breast or butt augmentation, liposuction, arm lift, thigh lift, or vaginal rejuvenation surgery such as labiaplasty.
What Happens During the Surgery?
Most surgeons perform an outpatient procedure, which means you’ll be able to go home on the same day as your surgery. The exact steps depend on the specific procedures you’ve selected. You’ll be under general anesthesia and fully asleep during the surgery. The surgeon makes incisions at the appropriate parts of your body to make the necessary adjustments, which may include tightening skin and muscle and removing excess fat.
After completing the procedures, your surgeon will close the incisions with sutures and apply wound dressings. They may also place surgical drains to remove blood and fluid from the wounds in the first few days after the procedure.
Who Is a Candidate for This Type of Surgery?
Your cosmetic surgeon can help you decide if a mommy makeover is right for you. You should generally be in good health before having this type of surgery, and you should be fully recovered from childbirth before moving forward. If you breastfeed, you may want to wait until after your child weans to schedule your procedure, particularly if you plan to have a breast lift or augmentation as part of the package.
To preserve your results, consider waiting until you’ve finished having children to undergo cosmetic surgery. Future pregnancy will impact the appearance of a breast lift or tummy tuck. These procedures may not be appropriate if you have a chronic condition such as diabetes or heart disease. If you smoke, your doctor may recommend that you quit before surgery. You may also need to achieve a healthy BMI prior to the procedure if you are overweight.
What Should I Expect During Recovery?
The extent of recovery depends on the procedures included in your makeover. Most people need to wait a week before returning to work and three to four weeks before bending or lifting anything heavy. It usually takes six weeks or more before you can return to physical activity with the approval of your surgery.
Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions for your post-surgical recovery. Following these guidelines carefully can help you avoid complications.
Cosmetic surgery could be your solution if you’ve had trouble bouncing back from having a baby with a healthy diet and exercise alone. Considering the answers to these questions can help you plan your next steps toward your fitness and aesthetic goals.

Jessi is the creative mind behind The Coffee Mom, a popular blog that combines parenting advice, travel tips, and a love for all things Disney. As a trusted Disney influencer and passionate storyteller, Jessi’s authentic insights and relatable content resonate with readers worldwide.