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Mommy’s Garage. More Than a Place to Store Your Car

The direct purpose of my mother’s garage is to protect the car from criminals, vandals, and adverse weather conditions. However, this room serves dozens of other purposes for many women and is often used entirely differently than initially planned. In our article, we collected information about the garages of hundreds of mothers. We devised a formula for the ideal room where you can successfully store your vehicles and achieve dozens of other goals.

Key features of a women's Garage

Key features of a women’s Garage

A garage owned by a woman is very different from one owned by a man. As a rule, such a room looks tidier, is always kept clean and is used for several purposes simultaneously. However, they also have some standard features. For example, garages of both sexes always become places for storing personal vehicles. It does not matter whether it is a brand-new car or a model purchased at a salvage car auction Edmonton and other US cities.

One of the critical features of Mom’s garage is almost always its external and internal attractiveness. Regardless of its size, this room is decorated by the preferences of its owner and becomes a unique addition to the existing rooms. Sometimes, a garage owned by a woman is entirely furnished by professional designers who choose a specific interior style. You also shouldn’t be surprised if you see a lot of useless decorative items in your mom’s garage. There may be various posters, paintings, photographs and even indoor plants, which initially do not go well with the car standing next to them. However, they create a cozy atmosphere inside and make you forget for a while about the direct purpose of this room.

The next feature of the women’s garage is its versatility. In almost every such room, you can find various cabinets and shelves for storing all sorts of small items, fenced areas for placing car accessories, places for sitting and doing everyday chores, and much more. All this allows you to use the garage for various purposes and not reduce its purpose to simply storing personal vehicles. In addition, comfort always plays a vital role for women. Therefore, even in the garage, they often install various household devices, climate control equipment, items, and devices to practice their favorite hobbies. This feature is also typical for some men, but they are still much less likely to create the most comfortable conditions in the garage.

What can a woman use a garage for?


Meetings with friends and relatives

Mom’s garage will be ideal for gatherings with relatives and close friends. To do this, it needs to be equipped accordingly and designed as a cozy and comfortable room. Ideally, you should try to ensure that the car parked in the garage is not visible to guests and does not interfere with them having fascinating conversations, having fun, or doing their favorite things.

The garage is well suited for meetings with friends and relatives, as it has direct access to the street. Thanks to this feature, you can even have picnics and prepare delicious barbecues. In general, if you have a garage prepared for such events, you can improvise and come up with new options for spending time with loved ones every time.

Rest alone with yourself

Sometimes, everyday activities and worries exhaust a person, which is why he just wants to be alone with himself and disconnect from the outside world for a while. The ideal place for such a vacation would be a garage. With the right design, every woman can turn it into a personal space where she will have the opportunity to do some business or lie on the couch watching her favorite TV series.

To make the garage suitable for such an activity, it is necessary to transform the available space into a cozy and comfortable room. For these purposes, you can use a variety of furniture and appropriate decor. You should also ensure that your garage is well-soundproofed. Without it, you can only relax in peace in the most remote places on our planet.

Storing personal items

The most apparent use for Mom’s garage is to store personal belongings. However, to prevent this room from becoming a dump of various rubbish, it is necessary to prepare places for placing certain items in advance. The correct solution would be to install one or more cabinets, the sizes of which should be selected depending on the number of things you plan to store in the garage.

As an alternative, you can use special racks or self-created shelves. They can be placed along walls distant from the car parked in the garage. Otherwise, using them will be highly inconvenient. To store various large items (for example, boxes), just a fenced space in the corner of the garage will be enough. At the same time, it is essential to know when to stop and not turn all the free space into storage.

Carrying out various works

Mom’s garage can be the perfect place to get some work done. For example, if you put a washing machine in this room, you can turn it into a home laundry. Similarly, you can create a workshop in the garage, a place for caring for garden tools, and much more. The main thing is that the room has everything necessary for a particular activity.

You don’t have to turn your mom’s garage into a place for difficult and unpleasant work. If desired, the free space can be used for activities that most women like (for example, growing plants, handicrafts, etc.).

Recommendations for arranging a garage

Many women want to turn their garage into a functional space but don’t know how to do it correctly. Because of this, they make various mistakes that turn the available space into just a place to store a car. To prevent this from happening, you need to listen to the recommendations of people who already have their dream garage. First, we advise all women to forget that any rubbish that does not fit in the house can be thrown into this room. If you don’t learn this simple rule, you won’t be able to turn your garage into additional usable space. Next, it is essential to remember that this room was initially intended for storing a car and not for a pleasant pastime. In this regard, it is necessary to properly insulate the garage before equipping it and making it more versatile. Otherwise, changes in air temperature outside will significantly affect comfort. They will not make it possible to use various household appliances or other equipment (most equipment can function normally only in a specific temperature range).

When arranging a garage, any woman must correctly assess the available free space. This room should always have enough space to place the car and perform various manipulations with it (for example, changing tires, cleaning the interior, etc.). You must know the vehicle’s dimensions to understand how much space you need to leave. This information can be obtained from the VIN number or the documentation included with the existing model. You should also leave space to store various car accessories, which no driver can do without. The rest of the space can be used for some other purpose. Another important recommendation is to ensure the highest possible level of security. In this regard, installing a fire alarm in the garage, installing an additional ventilation system and performing other similar work is essential. Without this, using a garage, even for simple car storage, will be dangerous

Mom’s garage has no four walls or a roof, but it is a much more versatile room. The proper arrangement can be an additional room where you can hold meetings with friends and relatives, relax alone, store many personal belongings, perform specific work and much more. Consider our words if you have a garage and give this initially highly specialized room some additional purpose.

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