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7 Effective Steps To Prevent Onychomycosis

In layman’s terms, Onychomycosis is a type of fungus that affects our nails. It can be persistent if left untreated. Although early on this infection can change how nails look, it can be serious in the later stages. There are many cases where people face pain and difficulty in walking. 

prevent onychomycosis

It is best to try and cure the problem early on to help preserve how nails look. Our nails have a more important use to them. They are there to protect sensitive tissues in fingers and toes. Aside from regular medicine, there are many other ways to treat onychomycosis. 

Let’s look at red light therapy for nail fungus as an extra treatment for Onychomycosis. We will also discuss steps you can take to help prevent it early on!

Check The Steps To Help Prevent Onychomycosis in 45 Seconds

  • Maintain proper nail hygiene 
  • Wear proper footwear
  • Protect nails in public areas
  • Develop healthy practices
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Inspect your nails frequently
  • Red light therapy

Understanding Onychomycosis: What Are The Risk Factors?

Onychomycosis is usually caused by dermatophytes, yeasts, or non-dermatophyte molds. It’s the most common disease that affects almost 20% of Americans over the age of 60 (Source: MDPI). Let us break down everything from the causes to the symptoms into a table.

Causes and Risk 

CauseRisk Factor
Old AgeOlder adults are more susceptible due to weakened immune systems, slower nail growth, and reduced blood circulation.
Low Blood CirculationLimited blood flow increases risk, especially in conjunction with conditions like diabetes.
Exposure to Damp AreasFrequenting damp environments like gyms, shower rooms, and swimming pools raise infection risk.
Weak Immune SystemPeople with compromised immune systems, from conditions like AIDS or certain medications, are more prone to onychomycosis.
Previous InjuriesInjuries to nails can make them more vulnerable to fungal infections.

Symptoms and Signs

Nail DiscolorationEarly signs where nails may appear white, black, yellow, or green.
Thickened NailNails may become unusually thick and hard to trim as the infection progresses.
Brittle NailsNails may change texture, becoming brittle over time.
Change in Nail ShapeNails may alter their original shape, curling up or lifting off from the nail bed in advanced cases.
Slight Foul SmellInfected nails may emit a slight foul odor.

7 Simple Steps To Prevent Onychomycosis

Here are a few ways you can help prevent onychomycosis:

Maintain Proper Nail Hygiene

When you take care of your nails and maintain hygiene, you can prevent onychomycosis. Keeping your nails clean can remove any germs or bacteria from affecting them. Try to take time to clean between toes and fingers as they tend to be the most moist areas prone to fungal growth. When trimming your nails, make sure to cut them straight across. If you cut your nails too short you can risk having ingrown toenails. 

If you see any signs of onychomycosis early on, use antifungal powders or sprays on the affected toes. Women who wear acrylic nails must consult a professional to have the process done. Moisture trapped between the acrylic and the natural nail can promote fungal growth.

Check with a doctor if onychomycosis is a recurring problem for you. In most cases, they can also prescribe medication to solve the problem. 

Wear Proper Footwear

Warm and moist environments are places where fungi can grow.  Proper footwear thus becomes very necessary for those at risk. Wear breathable shoes made of leather or canvas to keep your feet dry and moisture-free. They promote air circulation around your feet that reduces moisture buildup. You should always steer clear of plastic shoes. Additionally, wear socks that wick moisture away from your feet. Woolen and synthetic socks are good alternatives to cotton ones. 

Protect Your Nails In Public Areas

If you visit public areas like pools and locker rooms, bacteria can affect your feet. Make sure to wear flip-flops or shower shoes in these places.  When in the gym use moisture-wicking socks and well-ventilated shoes. This keeps your feet dry and less exposed to the fungus. If you are already affected, make sure to use clean towels and sanitize any tools you use on your nails.

Develop Healthy Practices

Maintaining good personal hygiene is a must if you want to prevent fungal infections. Follow these habits to protect your nails:

  • Do Not Share Personal Items: Even if you do not have a fungal infection, it is best to not use someone else’s items. These include nail clippers, files, and other pedicure tools. Fungus spreads through contact, so it is best to keep your things to yourself.
  • Disinfect Pedicure Tools: Always disinfect pedicure tools after use. For an added layer, you can also disinfect them before use. You can use antibacterial soap, or rubbing alcohol from this. 
  • Do not Bite Nails: You cannot imagine how many germs live in our fingernails. When you bite nails, you can create tiny openings in the skin that can let fungus enter. 

Strengthen Your Immune System 

Keeping a strong immune system is the most effective way to fight off infections. To boost your immune health ensure to do the following:

  • Balanced Diet: Keeping a balanced diet can keep your immune system strong. Have a lot of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for nutrients. Food rich in vitamins C and E and zinc should be in your diet daily. 
  • Drink Water: There is nothing better than keeping yourself hydrated to stay healthy. Staying hydrated keeps the immune system strong to fight infections. 
  • Do Exercise and Sleep: Try and keep exercise a regular part of your life. Exercise increases blood circulation through all parts of the body. Additionally, a proper sleep schedule can also strengthen the immune system.

Inspect Your Nails Frequently

Inspect your nails for any changes to maintain their health. Catching a problem early on can speed up the healing process. Check for changes in color, texture, or shape. This can be a sign of thicker than usual nails and discoloring. The classic telltale sign is when a nail starts to detach from the nail bed. 

Red Light Therapy

Over the last few years, red light therapy has proved to be a very effective cure for onychomycosis. Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) uses wavelengths within the red light spectrum (600-690 nm). These help destroy the fungus when paired with photosensitizing drugs 

Together, Red Light therapy can speed up the healing process. PACT targets and destroys infected cells by using light to activate molecules in the affected area. This destroys the fungus while leaving human cells unharmed.

Frequently Asked Question

What Are The First Signs Of Onychomycosis? 

Early signs of onychomycosis can be a change in the color of your nail. It can go white, yellow, or brown depending on how long it has been affected. It can also thicken the nail, make it brittle, and break in some cases. 

Can Onychomycosis Spread To Other Parts Of The Body? 

If you leave onychomycosis untreated, it can quickly spread to other parts of your body. Other nails can be affected leading to the athlete’s foot. In a rare scenario, it can also lead to other infections like skin cellulitis. 

How Do You Prevent Onychomycosis? 

Good hygiene must come first when trying to prevent onychomycosis. Additionally, wear socks and shoes that have more air circulation. Finally, try and use anti-fungal sprays and powder if you suspect any growing infection. 

What Is The Management Of Onychomycosis Guidelines? 

Managing onychomycosis starts with a diagnosis done through lab tests. Depending on how severe your situation is, a doctor can prescribe medication and ointments. If your case is more severe, you might have to have your nail removed.  

What Is The Best Treatment For Onychomycosis? 

The severity of your condition will dictate how you have to treat onychomycosis. If diagnosed early on, prescription medication and ointments can cure your. However, you might have to remove your nail entirely if the case gets more severe. Red light therapy is also another noninvasive way to tackle nail fungus issues. 

Get Rid Of Onychomycosis

To sum up there are many ways to protect your nails from onychomycosis early on. Hygiene, physical activity, and proper nail care can fully prevent it. The only way to keep your body healthy is to keep yourself in check. Simple things like using the right shoes and keeping your nails clean can go a long way. 

Your health is in your hands, so keep yourself in check to stay healthy. If you think you risk getting onychomycosis, prevent it early on by consulting a doctor. Alternatively, you can consider red light therapy as a noninvasive method to cure this infection. At Platinum Lights Therapy, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy nails.

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