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Why You Should Consider a Decorative Wreath This Spring

Crawling out of our winter cocoons, one of the first things many of us do is try to make our living space feel a little more spring-like. While this is exemplified in the process of spring cleaning, there are heaps of other ways you can help bring your home out of winter. Here, we take a look at decorative wreaths in particular, exploring everything from their seasonality to their connection to local artists. 

spring wreaths

They’re perfectly seasonal.

If you’re into matching your decoration with the current season, then you’ll find that wreaths like the ones listed here might just be the perfect option. You can find all sorts of options made using seasonal flowers and plants, and they can really help you feel like you’ve broken out of that winter gloom. Whether you’re looking for an exuberant outburst of color or a more subtle circle of greens and tender tones, you should be able to find a wreath that matches your mood.

You’ll liven up your entrance.

While you can put decorative wreaths anywhere, including in your bedroom, bathroom, or even the kitchen, the most common place to have them is on your front door. In fact, it’s one of the most classic ways of decorating an entrance and also one of the most effective. It can really help to liven up that portal into your home, helping to create a more welcoming, lively environment. Combine it with some other nice little touches, and you should be good to go.

Add a touch of color.

Many of us want to add color to our homes but just don’t quite know how. Buying a big pink sofa feels like a bit too much of a commitment, and finding a colorful painting to hang is too much of a hassle. If that sounds like a familiar situation to you, then you might want to think about using a decorative wreath. They come in a wide range of colors, they’re not exactly expensive, and they’re a relatively small commitment if it turns out you don’t like the wreath you picked!

Support local artists.

Depending on where you live, you’ll likely be able to find some market or artistic area of town that sells decorative wreaths. By buying one this spring, you’ll not only be making your home feel fresh and inviting, but you’ll also be supporting local artists and artisans in your community.

It’s a particularly rough economic climate for all of us now, but particularly so for artists selling items like wreaths. They depend on that spike in seasonal work, and it’s up to you to provide it for them – in return for a gorgeous wreath of course. 

Spring Wreaths Transform Your Home  & Support Local Artists

Decorative wreaths won’t be for everyone. That being said, we think they’re such a versatile stylistic element that they can be integrated into most homes, whether on your front door or above your downstairs toilet. They’re not a big commitment, so if you haven’t tried them out before, why not give one a shot?

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