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The Nutri-Strips Evolution: An Innovative Approach To Skincare

While there are seemingly endless skincare brands and routines from which to choose, the newest trend in beauty begins within. Consumers are combining supplements with high-quality, clean skincare products to achieve health inside and out. 

One innovative supplement is Nutri-Strips, easy-to-swallow supplements that replace pills. Place a strip on your tongue, wait five seconds, and then swallow it. Nutri-Strips are available in four formulas to support your overall health, which, in turn, helps your skin look its best. These strips offer multiple benefits when combined with a skincare routine and healthy lifestyle choices. 

Boosted Hydration

Adequate hydration is important for your body to function optimally, and your skin is no exception. In past decades, women turned to makeup to mask tired, dull skin. Today, however, consumers want a holistic approach that stresses healthy skin as the foundation for beauty. 

Proper hydration for both your skin and body helps your cells, your organs, and their intricate connections to each other work efficiently. Some supplements may help with hydration. Nutri-Strips RecoverB formula, for example, delivers usable electrolytes quickly to help your body function better. You can also boost your overall hydration in several other ways.

Drink Water

Drink adequate amounts of water, but do so according to your body’s needs. Each body is different. Too much water can cause problems, such as thinning blood and weakening available electrolytes. Talk to your doctor about the best fluid intake for your body. 

Boost Your Barrier

Seek products that help boost and protect your skin’s natural barrier. Dry and sensitive skin results from a compromised outer barrier. Ingredients such as vegetable glycerine, squalane, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid add and hold in moisture.

One example of a product focused on barrier support is DNA Complex Serum. It is formulated to provide immediate results by lessening the appearance of lines and wrinkles while helping provide long-term improvements as well. 

Cleanse Carefully

Your skin’s outer layer, the stratum corneum, protects the skin. However, using harsh cleansers that strip away your skin’s natural and necessary oils can cause dryness, redness, and sensitivities. Additionally, using rough exfoliants can actually tear your skin and cause long-term damage. 

Choose your cleansers carefully. Look for gentle, fragrance-free products to protect and boost your skin’s protective barrier. This is true even for those with acne, as harsh products will only irritate the skin more and exacerbate the problem. Instead, opt for creamy or oil-to-milk cleansers that gently clean without causing discomfort and tightness.  

Choose a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type

Targeted Nutrient Delivery

Healthy supplements give your body specific nutrients it needs, allowing your cells and organs to function at their best. Efficient supplement delivery systems such as Nutri-Strips provide an instant boost in important nutrients to your entire body. They are easy to use and are an excellent choice for travel. Some skincare products, such as Seratopical Gleaming, also deliver helpful nutrients to the skin so that your body benefits from both internal and external nutritional boosts. 

Today’s newest beauty trend is to use both quality external products and efficient internal supplements for a holistic approach to healthy beauty. Turn to a knowledgeable skincare company for the right products for your skin so that you can be your beautiful best from the inside out. 

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