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Time-Managment Tips For Mompreneurs To Balance Work and Motherhood

Finding balance between work and motherhood is no small feat. Dual responsibilities can often feel overwhelming. However, with effective time management strategies, you can excel in both your personal and professional life. Here are essential time-management tips for mompreneurs.

Emotional Resilience for Working Moms 8 Essential Tips

1. Set Boundaries

Being a mompreneur comes with its own unique set of challenges, but setting clear boundaries can make a significant difference. Inform your family and friends about your dedicated work hours and make an effort to minimize distractions during these periods. By doing so, you’ll find it easier to concentrate and maintain your productivity without unnecessary interruptions.

2. Stay Flexible and Adapt

Balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood requires a flexible approach. Utilize project management tools like Notion or Airtable to create adaptable workflows that can handle changes and unexpected challenges. Adopting a growth mindset allows you to see setbacks as learning opportunities and moments for growth.

Technology tools, clear boundaries, and a flexible attitude are your allies in navigating the complexities of being a mompreneur with greater ease and resilience.

3. Make Technology Work for You

Balancing work and family as a mompreneur can be a challenging endeavor. Fortunately, technology serves as a crucial support system to help you manage both areas of your life efficiently. With an online calendar, you gain the flexibility to access and manage your schedule from virtually anywhere.

There are many areas where technology makes work easier and faster. Here is an example – phone cleaner for cleaning memory. This app for iOS can almost completely automatically find and delete duplicate photos from memory. If you have several of them, you can do a grand cleaning. When the number of photos already reaches thousands, the app is a great option to save time.

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4. Find a Support System

Entrepreneurship can be isolating. Having a support system is crucial, and the best support often comes from those who have walked the same path or are navigating it alongside you.

I’m part of an accelerator program and a close-knit group of women entrepreneurs who run subscription box services similar to mine. We have regular scheduled meetings and maintain constant communication to discuss matters like shipping, e-commerce, and marketing. Additionally, as mothers, we share productivity tips for balancing work and parenting.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is essential for mompreneurs aiming to excel both personally and professionally.  This can involve taking a walk, doing some yoga, or simply pausing to breathe deeply and relax.

Although I am still learning to prioritize self-care, I am gradually allocating time each month to connect with friends or join supportive communities. I also treasure moments spent walking my dog or visiting local wineries with friends. Ultimately, it’s about discovering what rejuvenates you and ensuring it fits into your schedule.

6. Boost Your Productivity

Incorporating regular breaks into your daily routine can significantly enhance focus and alleviate stress. Short pauses to stretch, meditate, or take a brief walk can refresh your mind and boost your energy levels. These breaks enable you to return to your tasks and family duties with renewed concentration and creativity.

working from home with pets

7. Delegate and Outsource

Being a mompreneur means acknowledging that you don’t have to juggle everything on your own. Assigning tasks to others can free up your time, whether that means outsourcing administrative duties for your business or getting help with household responsibilities. Consider partnering with a virtual assistant agency like mine to begin your journey.

8. Practice Time Blocking

Time blocking is a technique where you divide your day into specific periods dedicated to various tasks or activities. Tools like Toggl or Clockify can help you allocate separate blocks for focused work, family time, household chores, and personal hobbies.


Balancing the roles of entrepreneurship and motherhood is like an intricate dance, where one constant remains clear—our children are our top priority. Despite our best-laid plans, life’s unpredictability often throws us off course. In these moments of chaos and triumph, it’s essential to be kind to ourselves. Cherish the messy moments, celebrate the victories, and find joy in creating a lasting legacy for our kids.

Ultimately, it’s not just about managing our schedules; it’s about treasuring the moments that truly matter. Fellow mompreneurs, as we continue on this wild ride, let’s keep in mind what is truly important—the love and laughter of our little ones.

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