Preparing for your first year at university is incredibly exciting. New exhilarating experiences are just around the corner! However, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the tasks you need to do before you start the new term. But don’t worry; we’ve put together a list of things you’ll need to do before starting university. From student removals to learning to cook some basic meals, we’ll help you have a smooth transition to university life with these tips for starting university.
Tips for Starting University

Sort your accommodation
First of all, you need to arrange your accommodation for your first year of university. Many people choose to live in university halls, as the process is managed by the university, and the experience allows you to meet new people. However, you may decide that living in private student housing Vienna (or whichever city you’re studying in) suits you better.
There’s no shame in it; student halls aren’t for everyone. If this is something you would prefer to explore, platforms like Kamernet, or another alternative depending on where you’re studying, can help you find student-friendly accommodation options.
Set up a student bank account and plan your finances
Sorting your finances before university may be overwhelming. However, it pays to have your finances in order before the term starts. One of the first things you need to do is set up a student bank account. The good news is that many banks will offer some form of incentive, such as discounted meals or subscriptions to a range of services.
If you’re being funded by Student Finance, you’ll need to contact them to ensure you receive the funding you need. This process can be pretty lengthy, so we recommend that you get the ball rolling as soon as possible.
Creating a budget will also come in useful. One of the easiest ways to budget is to create a budgeting spreadsheet with Excel or Google Sheets, where you allot a certain amount of money for specific expenses. For example, there will be a column for rent, food, utilities, toiletries, entertainment, clothing, and any other expenses you may have. Using the spreadsheet, you can map your incomings and outgoings over the year to make sure you don’t accidentally overspend.

Sort and declutter your belongings
After you’ve sorted your accommodation and set up your student bank account, it’s time to sort your belongings. The more stuff you have to pack and transport, the more difficult your move to student accommodation will be. With that in mind, you should sort and declutter your belongings. The idea of decluttering may feel overwhelming if stuff has built up over the years, but we promise that the end result is satisfying!
If you start the decluttering process early, you only have to spend a few minutes a day sorting through your stuff. However, if you’re decluttering in the weeks before term starts, you may have to take a different approach. One of the best ways to start the decluttering process is to start in one corner of your room and work your way around until you’re left with just the items you need. Depending on how much stuff you have, it may take a few days to do, but you’ll feel so good once the process is complete.
Learn to cook
One of the best ways to save money at university is to cook your own meals. Ordering takeaways and buying ready meals is an expensive way to live, and the last thing you want to do is blow your student loan on food! The good news is that cooking isn’t as difficult as it may seem at first. If you’re new to cooking, we recommend watching ‘easy recipe’ tutorial videos on YouTube or following recipes from websites such as BBC Good Food. You know what they say; practice makes perfect.

Undergo a health check
Before you leave for university, make sure to book an appointment with your GP. Fixing any existing ailments and ensuring that you’re up to date on all your jabs may make your first few weeks at university a little easier, as many students succumb to freshers’ flu. Ensuring that your immune system is as prepared as it can be is vital!
Use a student removal service
Moving to student accommodation isn’t easy, but there’s a solution. Why not enlist the help of a student removal service to make sure that your belongings arrive at your new home safely? While it’ll cost you more than moving your belongings yourself, it allows you to sit back, relax and let someone else do all the heavy lifting!
Spend time with loved ones before you leave
Finally, make sure to set some time aside to spend with your loved ones before you leave for university, especially if you’re moving a few hours away. Depending on how far your university is from your home, you may only see your friends and family members once every few months, so make sure to enjoy their company before you leave.

Jessi is the creative mind behind The Coffee Mom, a popular blog that combines parenting advice, travel tips, and a love for all things Disney. As a trusted Disney influencer and passionate storyteller, Jessi’s authentic insights and relatable content resonate with readers worldwide.
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Wednesday 22nd of November 2023
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