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What to Expect When You Visit a Foot Doctor at a Podiatry Clinic?

You must go to a foot doctor if you suffer from extreme foot or ankle pain, an infection, or have a limited severe movement issue. They can help you with a proper foot care routine. Podiatrists can treat any medical condition to stop the situation from becoming a severe complication. However, if this is your first time visiting a foot doctor, let’s know what you can expect on your first visit.

What to Expect When You Visit a Foot Doctor at a Podiatry Clinic

Health history details 

When you first visit a podiatrist’s clinic, they will ask about your current and previous health history, including your problems and family problems; the issues should be mainly related to your feet and ankle. They will also ask you about the medications or whether you have any ongoing allergy treatment. They will also discuss your lifestyle and other relevant information to analyze the condition. When you meet the doctor, make sure to explain the problems that you are facing so that he has a clear understanding of what you are experiencing.

Physical examination 

The feet, ankles, and lower legs are examined to determine whether there are signs of poor circulation. The skin and nails around the problematic areas are also checked for fungal infection, discoloration, or blisters. 

Diagnostic test 

If any structural deformity is suspected or signs of poor blood circulation or infection are present, you must undergo a diagnostic test. If you have any injury, swelling, or ankle instability, a lab test, such as blood tests, and imaging tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds, bone scans, and more, are suggested. This would help the podiatrists reach an appropriate conclusion and provide proper treatment. 

Treatment options

The podiatrists will properly evaluate your condition. Based on that, treatment options will be laid out before you, and the plan will be customized based on the exact need and resulting conditions. Treatment can start from the very first visit. You might have to go through a proper follow-up appointment, and if the conditions are severe, you might also have to go through surgical treatment.

How can Podiatrists help? 

Podiatrists can offer a range of treatments to manage and treat a condition, such as customized orthotics and braces, medication, cryotherapy, comprehensive infection treatment and ankle joint treatment, arthroscopy, fracture repair, neurological treatment, joint replacement, or revisional surgery of any previous outcome. A minor foot problem can often lead to ulcer infection, neuropathy, or even peripheral arterial diseases, so proper prevention and management are required to avoid complications. A foot exam is always recommended to be performed periodically so that the health care professional can detect any problem early and recover from it as soon as possible.

Final words 

Podiatrists would also treat damaged deformities or poor blood conditions that originated due to diabetic foot problems. At the same time, you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice good self-care, along with regularly visiting a podiatrist’s clinic. The experts at Feet First Podiatry would also examine the degree of sensation in the feet and, if necessary, suggest Medicare-approved shoes and sneakers. 

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