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Why Including Tea Is Essential for Your Wellness Routine

Tea has a fascinating culture, and while most commonly associated with the British, they derived their obsession from the Indian subcontinent and Chinese dynasties, who have been appreciating the leaf for millennia. In fact, it’s such a complicated substance that it even has two names in English depending on how it’s transported (tea by land, cha by sea). Nevertheless, the most intriguing feature of this these days is the bountiful health properties it provides those willing to give it a try. If you’ve never been interested in tea, this post will convince you otherwise and, hopefully, bring you over to the other side!

Tea Can Boost Your Immune System To A Small Degree

It Can Lower Anxiety And Stress Levels

Tea is simply one of those things that are good for the soul. It serves as an ideal remedy to decompress after strenuous hours, acting as a great stress and anxiety alleviator. With swift-paced lives often pushing us towards pandemonium, tea offers solace. Be it savoring warm chamomile or relishing cool green iced tea, the mere act of consuming this drink instills calmness. Any tea is fine, but there is something more satisfying about the process of using Loose Leaf Tea compared with a tea bag. Loose leaf offers a larger surface area to dissolve into the water, and watching it unfurl from its tightly knotted dehydrated form is a pleasure unto itself. 

Tea Can Boost Your Immune System To A Small Degree

Although drinking tea alone won’t suddenly make you immune from all that might ail you, it is crammed full of some highly beneficial elements that play a role in keeping your body working as it should. The antioxidants and polyphenols found in tea are scientifically proven to fortify the immune system. Furthermore, certain teas like green tea are renowned for their ability to sharpen mental function while promoting weight loss. For those looking for a refreshing twist on traditional tea, Pauwela Kombucha offers a delightful blend, adding the benefits of probiotics to the already rich nutritional profile of tea.

It’s Well-Known To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is perhaps as elusive in the modern world as the mystical pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unfortunately, while sleep is an absolutely integral part of good health, most people simply are unable to doze off without the use of pharmaceuticals or alcohol, both of which can cause undesirable side effects. This is where tea becomes instrumental! Certain varieties of tea, such as chamomile and valerian root, harbor natural tranquility-inducing properties that aid relaxation and preparation for slumber. Incorporating a cup of this soothing beverage into your nightly regimen could serve as an uncomplicated yet potent strategy to enhance your sleeping patterns while ensuring you awaken rejuvenated. Just be aware that some types of tea still contain caffeine, so it might not be as conducive to sleep as others. If you are looking for a great night’s rest, opt for the following caffeine-free teas:

Tea Contains A Panoply Of Vitamins And Antioxidants
  • Chamomile
  • Peppermint (great digestion aid also)
  • Hibiscus
  • Ginger
  • Rooibos

You Can Use It As Part Of A Detox Routine

If you are looking for a way to boost your health and rid yourself of the various toxins that find their way into most diets, tea could be part of the answer. You can use detoxing alongside other nutritional family-friendly recipes to boost your energy levels and immune system and allow you to think more clearly. Incorporating tea into your daily health regimen is an effective way to cleanse your body naturally. Filled with every beneficial substance needed for detoxification, tea aids in purging harmful toxins from the body. Certain types of teas, such as green and dandelion, excel at promoting liver function and enhancing digestion.

Tea Contains A Panoply Of Vitamins And Antioxidants

As you are probably aware by now, tea is an excellent source of antioxidants! These antioxidants play an integral role in safeguarding your body from the harmful effects of free radicals by neutralizing them before they cause any harm. Vitamins found in tea further enhance your immune system, ensuring you stay healthy and energetic. Depending on the tea you choose, you will find them choked full of a gamut of vitamins, including:

  • Vitamin C
  • Carotene
  • Thiamine 
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folic acid
It's A Natural Remedy For The Trails And Tribulations Of Life

It’s A Natural Remedy For The Trails And Tribulations Of Life

The world is a stressful place, and life tends to continually find ways to throw you a curveball when you’re least expecting it. Tea’s calming properties make it the perfect balm for those times, whether it is for work, family, or money-related issues. You can get home, put the kettle on, indulge yourself in the brewing process, and forget all that ails you, safe in the knowledge that tomorrow is another day.

Tea is a remarkable plant that has been used in one form or another for thousands of years. By adding it to your daily routine, you can foster better sleep, allow the stresses of life to drain away, and simply enjoy the flavors and smells that come from a nice cup of tea.

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Wednesday 9th of August 2023

[…] routine. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder many people turn to CBD as part of their daily wellness routine. So why not try it and see how it may help you maintain a healthy […]

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